影响蜜蜂健康的多种因素——EPA、USDA 报告

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a comprehensive “Report on the National Stakeholders Conference on Honey Bee Health” on May 2, finding a complex web of factors that affect honey bee populations.

那个报告 总结了 2012 年 10 月举行的全国利益相关者会议的调查结果,该会议汇集了养蜂人、科学家、保护团体的代表、养蜂供应商、商品团体、杀虫剂制造商和政府代表,讨论改善蜜蜂健康的潜在解决方案。

“The decline in honey bee health is a complex problem caused by a combination of stressors, and at EPA we are committed to continuing our work with USDA, researchers, beekeepers, growers and the public to address this challenge,” said acting EPA Administrator Bob Perciasepe. “The report … is a the product of unprecedented collaboration, and our work in concert must continue. As the report makes clear, we’ve made significant progress, but there is still much work to be done to protect the honey bee


  • 寄生虫 瓦螨 螨虫被认为是美国和其他国家蜂群流失的主要因素;
  • 营养对蜜蜂个体和蜂群健康有重大影响,营养问题会使蜜蜂更容易受到疾病和寄生虫的伤害;
  • 种植者和养蜂人之间需要进行知情和协调的沟通,利益相关者之间需要就保护蜜蜂免受农药侵害的做法进行有效合作;
  • 美国蜜蜂群需要增加遗传多样性,以提高体温调节、抗病能力和工人生产力;
  • 需要对蜜蜂在现实中与实地相关的杀虫剂接触进行更多研究。

In a statement, CropLife America urged USDA and EPA to “promptly translate the results of the conference and this report into concrete, practical research directions.”

“这份报告进一步证实了影响蜜蜂健康的因素有很多,”CLA 监管政策高级主管 Ray McAllister 博士说。 “CLA 支持美国农业部、美国环保署和所有利益相关者的工作,他们正在合作开发蜜蜂和其他授粉媒介的解决方案,这对美国和全球的农业生产至关重要。作物保护行业致力于通过对田间相关农药暴露的持续研究、传粉媒介栖息地的改善、支持教育推广计划和应用最佳管理实践来分析农药对蜜蜂蜂群的影响。”