
蚊子的突然出现和人们对传播寨卡病毒和其他疾病的日益关注可能会为美国蚊子控制区增加杀虫剂的使用创造机会,这些地区在过去几年中增长缓慢,根据一个 新报告 它来自于 克莱因.

“Larvicides, insecticide products that are applied to control mosquito larvae in their aquatic breeding sites, showed the highest growth at approximately 3% a year since 2012,” Kline reported. “The strongest growth stems from products demonstrating a favorable environmental profile, such as those based on 苏云金芽孢杆菌以色列 (Bti), 球形芽孢杆菌 (Bs), and spinosad.”

Read more about Kline’s report 灭蚊:美国市场分析与机遇.