
A field of genetically modified (GM) potatoes – created to be resistant to pests – was planted in a Yorkshire field earlier this year by Leeds University scientists, reports the 每日邮件.去年,环保人士在同一农场拆毁了一片种植相同植物的田地,造成超过美国 $40,000 的损失,并浪费了数月的研究工作。这 400 株马铃薯植株对线虫有抵抗力,这让英国农民每年损失约 $1.07 亿美元。转基因科学家表示,这种新菌株可能会减少化学杀虫剂的使用。


在一场争议风暴中,转基因作物在约克郡的一个农场附近种植,去年剑桥郡附近的一个农场也进行了类似的试验。尽管试验的详细信息已发布在环境、食品和农村事务部 (DEFRA) 网站,当地人没有被告知作物已经重新种植。

Defra said its permission for the trial, granted for three years, remained valid and that the potatoes can be replanted without further notice. It also said the potatoes would not be used for human or animal consumption and that they would be grown in a ‘safe environment’ with no risk of contamination. Supporters of the technology say it will allow plants to be grown in arid andsalty places where ordinary crops fail — and could prevent a worldwide food shortage in years to come.

However, environmental activists warned that neighbouring farms could be put at risk from the GM experiment. Clare Oxborrow, of Friends of the Earth, said: “Defra clearly does not want people to known it is going on this year. This worries us because farmers, gardeners and people living nearby should know about it because of the risk of contaminating other plants. They are trying to slip it under the radar.”

Defra 表示在其网站上公布了所有转基因实验的详细信息和地图参考,并否认它试图让人们蒙在鼓里。

在过去的五年里,破坏者和生态活动家几乎摧毁了英国 54 次在户外种植实验性转基因植物的尝试。去年,剑桥郡的一项转基因试验因树木被毁而中止。

去年,领导利兹试验的霍华德·阿特金森教授呼吁对公众保密小规模转基因试验的细节,声称在转基因田间试验中安装安全围栏和警卫的费用约为 $165,000。