阿科玛与 Certis 签订厂前熏蒸剂分销协议

Paladin 是一种基于二甲基二硫化物 (DMDS) 的新型土壤熏蒸剂,随着阿科玛和 Certis 已在欧洲签订独家联合开发和分销协议,它离全球分销又近了一步。

Paladin, a pre-plant fumigant for modern and sustainable soil pest control, was developed by Arkema’s R&D teams as a product to replace worldwide substitution of old fumigants, which are being gradually withdrawn due to ozone depletion or regulatory restrictions.

Under the agreement, Certis will be Arkema’s exclusive partner for the development, registration and distribution of Paladin in Europe. Arkema will initiate the EU approval process of DMDS by submitting a regulatory application by the end of 2012.

DMDS 已于 2010 年在美国和以色列以及 2011 年在摩洛哥注册为土壤熏蒸剂。欧洲是另一个主要注册目标。

In the meantime, should Paladin be authorized by way of derogation by national authorities on some European markets, Certis Europe and Arkema are “ready to supply these specific needs.”

DMDS 由阿科玛在法国南部的 Lacq 工厂生产。

资料来源:Certis,由在线编辑 Stefanie A. Toth 编辑