AMVAC 的 Trogele:“我们行业的整个下游渠道都将受到挑战”


随着 Big 6 整合到 Big 3.5 和 工厂停产对中国作物保护生产造成严重破坏.

AMVAC 首席运营官 Bob Trogele 提出了他对当前农用化学品环境以及零售商如何与专利后公司合作的见解。


考虑到不确定性以及 中国供应中断?

由于大型公司的合并以及较小的实体之间由于缺乏管理层继任而被迫剥离贸易佣金,并购市场一直很活跃。鉴于农业综合企业的下行周期、技术变革等,两者都带来了新的机遇。因此,我们受益于收购 Adama、Syngenta 的产品,以及收购园艺领域的 OHP 和拉丁美洲的 Grupo Agricenter 等私营公司。此外,我们相信合并后,我们行业中的许多大公司将寻求优化和集中其投资组合,从而导致我们可能在未来几年内寻求收购的进一步产品剥离。




我们的经验是客户为价值买单。我们通过可靠性、库存管理和适当的服务水平提供价值。零售商的利润似乎很紧张,因为全方位服务零售商和折扣零售商之间的紧张关系,有时现金和自运市场都在争夺生产商的钱包。客户与 AMVAC 开展业务取决于许多成功因素:一致性、适当的库存管理、利润率保留、供应可靠性、未来近期创新管道等。我们与客户密切合作,提供市场需求并支持他们的成功。


This depends on the service level a retailer provides. If the retailer is providing agronomic services, financing, speedy delivery, application services, etc. they will need to segment their customers accordingly and provide products and services to those needs. Offering a high service level along with cash and carry pricing model will likely not be sustainable for profitability. At AMVAC, we provide one of the best logistic systems – especially bulk systems and a high degree of supply chain flexibility — as many of our products are produced close to the U.S. customer. Further, we offer planning support in areas of inventory management and market opportunity and are increasingly supplying the market with innovative solutions designed by our technology team, whether it is chemical or biological product solutions or precision agriculture system solutions, and most importantly, agronomic technical support where needed. In regards to retail partnerships in USA, we have our YES program to support retailers in their area. Here we work with them along the value chain to support their performance and their customer needs, meaning their grower base.  

回到基础,do 你有自己的标签吗?你严格进口吗?提供什么服务?

我们的大部分投资组合都以我们的名义注册;我们有许多许可和分销协议来补充我们的产品组合。随着我们向海外扩张,越来越多的第三方通过我们在美国和国际市场准入工具和系统联系我们推销他们的技术。我们提供详细的市场机会分析工具和绘图,以及在开发、配方、营销监管方面经验丰富的顶级专业人员, 和销售。由于我们不做基础研究,所以我们不与合作伙伴竞争。作为混合型制造商/生产商,我们从亚洲进口部分原材料和部分制成品。我们这种规模的公司也非常重视人际关系——我们的握手很重要。