Arysta LifeScience 在美国注册 Kasumin 杀菌剂

Arysta LifeScience North America 周四表示,其 Kasumin 杀菌剂已获得美国环境保护署的注册。 Kasumin 提供具有高水平预防活性的独特作用方式,使其对多种植物病原菌具有活性。

Kasumin 现已在美国注册,用于在苹果和梨中控制火疫病,包括耐链霉素菌株。产品中独特的活性成分春雷霉素使其成为果农有效的疾病预防管理工具。

“Resistance is a serious concern among growers,” said Carmen Holding, tree, nut & vine marketing manager, Arysta. “Bacterial diseases can be economically devastating to the long-term viability of a grower’s operation if not effectively managed and growers currently have a limited number of control options. Kasumin targets a different site of action from other bactericides and gives growers a new tool to control bacterial diseases — including resistant strains — to protect fruit tree health and yields.”

Kasumin 可作为液体制剂使用,现场测试表明,它可以很容易地与其他杀菌剂混合使用,以增加病害控制范围。