

As China officially rolls out its new environmental protection law to regulate the industry and promote transformation, a number of small and medium-sized pesticide enterprises have been shut down for maintenance since the beginning of the year, and an “extensive adjustment” is in store for the pesticides industry in 2015, according to CCPIA.

This January, the China Agrochemical Price Index (CAPI) started at 83.95, which is down 4.72% from the end of last year and a steep fall of 15.63% year on year. In February — which is affected by Chinese New Year — the market saw more falling prices. The CAPI dropped to 81.28, down 3.18% from January and down 19.31% year on year.

“This is the ‘omen’ of industry reform and transformation. After the continuous fall in price, the industry will gradually welcome new busy seasons of production and sales. The CAPI is expected to go up in March and it is ready to rebound from the bottom,” CCPIA said.

In January, the herbicides CAPI was 76.41 — below 80 for the first time — and down 8.85% from last month and down 24.95% year on year. In February, the CAPI was 74.64, down 2.33% compared to the last statistical period, and off 27.64% year on year.

Since the beginning of the year, the price of glyphosate has consistently been under RMB 20,000 per tonne and has been falling slowly. By the end of February, the price had already fallen 12.61% from the end of last year to RMB 19,400 per tonne, a sharp decline of 37.42% year over year. The glyphosate market is still in “low steady operation,” CCPIA said, “which has brought great pressure to companies and also new challenges to the market adjustment.”


1月份杀虫剂CAPI为92.43,环比微升1.77%,同比基本持平; 2月份CAPI为87.63,环比下降5.19%,同比下降8.84%。杀虫剂中,阿维菌素、吡虫啉、毒死蜱、三唑磷价格下跌。杀虫剂中占比最高的毒死蜱降幅最大。 2月份其价格较去年底下跌15.23%,对杀虫剂CAPI的拖累较大。大部分杀虫剂价格在正常范围内波动。

1月份杀菌剂CAPI为99.62,环比微降0.59%,环比去年下降1.11%; 2月份CAPI为99.13,比上月下降0.49%,但比去年同期小幅上升0.30%。杀菌剂中,多菌灵、咪鲜胺等价格跌幅较大,跌幅在7.0%至10.0%之间;氟唑菌价格较去年底上涨11.16%。多数杀菌剂价格小幅震荡,涨幅不大。