COVID-19 之后,全球农业经济体和投入提供者的下一步是什么?

编者注:CoBank 的高级经济学家、企业策略师和首席行业分析师肯尼斯·扎克伯格 (Kenneth Zuckerberg) 在最近的 农业企业全球贸易峰会.以下是该演示文稿的快照。


CoBank 高级经济学家、企业战略师兼首席行业分析师肯尼斯·扎克伯格 (Kenneth Zuckerberg) 提出了一些想法,即当该国最终将当前的政策付诸实施时,美国农业投入品行业将会是什么样子 新冠病毒 我们身后的问题。扎克伯格向与会者发表讲话 AgriBusiness Global Trade Summit™ held last month online.



虽然大多数人将 COVID-19 与一个世纪前席卷全球的西班牙流感进行比较,但扎克伯格将其添加到影响整个 1900 年代和 2000 年代初期生活的经济灾难清单中,并参考了华尔街崩盘、大大萧条、大屠杀和二战,1970 年代、80 年代和 90 年代的各种金融危机,美国农业危机,9 月 11 日,以及最近的 2007-2010 年美国次级抵押贷款危机,它实际上溢出来创造了全球信贷危机。

Kenneth Zuckerberg,CoBank 高级经济学家、企业策略师和首席行业分析师

“The economic shock to global economies from COVID-19 is like none other of these events,” he says. “It’s bigger, and it’s likely to be longer in duration. As we set the stage, the main point here is, it’s not just a flu and a disease that a lot of people are getting sick and unfortunately dying from; it’s that plus a major shock to global economies.”

扎克伯格说,即使开发出安全可靠的疫苗,经济挑战也不会结束。 “当我们考虑是什么使复苏预测复杂化并超越这一点时,最近新病例的激增是一个关键因素,使所有预测都很难做出。”


COVID-19 对美国的农业经济产生了巨大影响

扎克伯格说:“粮食价格远低于今年春季早些时候触及的底部,但仍处于基本低位。” “玉米和大豆价格均低于其 3 年、5 年和 10 年趋势。”

Stripping out the government’s payments to growers suggest that U.S. net farm income is actually flat to down modestly. Taking it a step further, Zuckerberg says, “Farm cash receipts — they’re basically flat with 2011 levels, however, farm production expenses have risen. If expenses are above cash receipts, that, by definition, is negative for margins. What we’re looking at here is the largest farming business in the U.S. on average hasn’t made money in seven years. That’s very concerning.”



  • 2014 年至 2016 年的大型并购 — 它们本质上是防御性的,是对农业投入品持续商品化和利润率下降的回应。
  • 玉米的过量生产与使用 — Lower future ethanol demand has wide ramifications to how much corn we’re producing vs. how much we need to produce.
  • 非洲猪瘟 — 中国生猪库存急剧减少,餐厅和食品服务关闭导致动物饲料需求持续不确定。
  • 美国化肥产能过度扩张
  • 贸易紧张局势 — 与几个主要农业出口伙伴的争端。
  • 巴西、阿根廷和乌克兰的市场份额流失 — 在各种商品中,包括大豆、玉米和小麦)
  • 监管决定 — 最近,在拜耳与多家美国原告之间的诉讼之后,我们达成了草甘膦和解协议。最近,我们大张旗鼓地呼吁限制使用麦草畏。



扎克伯格分享了扎克伯格分享的营业利润率数据,该数据基于标准普尔从 1995 年到 2021 年的追踪每股收益 (EPS) 数据。肥料和农用化学品的营业利润率在 2009 年和 2013 年都达到了 20% 以上的峰值。目前这一比率与大约 5%,或者正如扎克伯格所说,“处于低谷”。扎克伯格说,考虑到供应过剩需求和寻求优化(即减少)相对于产量的投入量的精密技术,这个低谷可能会持续下去。


“简单来说,乙醇产量在 3 月中旬至 4 月中旬期间下降了 50%,虽然它有所恢复,但我们和我们关注的几家公司的估计以及我们的客户估计复苏和需求不会达到 100%在接下来的几年里,”他说。



“It’s nice to see a strong U.S. dollar in a headline, but a stronger U.S. dollar relative to the Brazilian real and other currencies makes U.S. ag exports more expensive and decreases our competitive advantage,” Zuckerberg says. “Not so surprisingly, we’ve seen (an increase) in purchases especially by China of product from Brazil and other places.”


“We’ve seen FBN (Farmers Business Network) come into the ag world trying to disrupt the procurement of goods between farmer and manufacturer,” Zuckerberg says. “The time has come for innovation and transformation.

“Ag input companies have the ability to really create, deliver, and capture all the value that ag technology promises,” he continues. “Heretofore, it has not been a game changer.”


扎克伯格建议采取三个步骤来适应后 COVID-19 世界:

1. 提出难题.战略规划需要高水平的情商,以及提出尖锐问题的勇气和信念:您的商业模式是拥抱未来还是捍卫过去?

扎克伯格提到了他早期在投资行业的职业生涯中学到的一课:企业成败的四骑士——恐惧、贪婪、希望和无知。 “前三个都是情绪化的。无知不是。即使你纠正了无知,其他三个人每次都会得到你。不幸的是,人类的状况导致我们一次又一次地犯错误。”

2. 思考创新.考虑可以创造客户价值的策略。这可能涉及各种问题,从盈利模式到您的流程,从结构到服务,从品牌到客户参与。

“If your product has become more commoditized, then the customer engagement, the customer success, the distinctive interactions you foster, how you provide value, advice, and service becomes the product,” Zuckerberg says. “The product — whether it be fertilizer, chemicals, or seed — that is an enabler to you to bring service value as opposed to the other way around. It’s a different way of thinking about the business of how farm inputs have traditionally been thought of, but it’s critical that the industry thinks this way.”

3. 行动起来,避免自满. If you don’t, you wind up on a list of very large companies that failed to do so and have been relegated to the dustbin of history. Kodak failed to embrace digital photography. Sony (with its Discman) lost out to Apple’s iPod. Sears and Toys R Us couldn’t respond to Amazon. Motorola and Blackberry were left behind by Apple’s and Samsung’s phones. Blockbuster disappeared after Netflix started offering a streaming service.

“Those who forget the mistakes of the past are condemned to repeat them,” Zuckerberg cites the famous idiom, and adds: “Let’s not do that.”