CropLife America 对 WOTUS 最终规则表示关注

来自的声明 美国作物生命 (CLA) 对美国最终水域 (WOTUS) 规则表示担忧,该规则更名为清洁水规则,上个月由奥巴马总统签署成为法律。

The rule “creates onerous, inconsistent standards that will reduce farmers’ ability to produce and will not advance clean water goals,” CLA said in a statement. “The final rule largely maintains the structure and framework of the proposed rule and does not reflect comments submitted by the agriculture and crop protection industries. Multiple definitions in the Clean Water Rule conflict with the intent of the Clean Water Act, making it difficult for growers to discern whether their fields contain jurisdictional areas and are subject to National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting requirements.”

CLA 总裁兼首席执行官 Jay Vroom 表示:“该规则将联邦监督扩展到以前未注意到的领域,例如‘草原坑洼’,加强了监管,但未能为保护我们的供水做出真正的贡献。我们敦促美国环境保护署 (EPA) 和陆军工程兵团与所有大小利益相关者进行真正的对话,以制定一项有利于我们国家的清洁水战略。”

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