Eden Research 签署协议将产品组合扩展至主要市场

为全球农用化学品行业提供天然微胶囊技术的 Eden Research plc 已与 Intellectual Ventures 的发明发展基金签署协议,这将加强和扩大 Eden 的知识产权组合,并为公司提供 Intellectual Ventures 的知识产权相关服务和网络许可和业务发展专业人士。

根据协议,IDF 将增加 Eden 的知识产权组合的价值,并增加其进入全球主要地区的机会,尤其是亚洲、北美和南美市场。 Eden 和 IDF 将合作为农业、动物健康、食品配料、人类健康和个人护理市场采购和开发下一代技术。 Eden 和 IDF 还将寻求 IDF 大量专利组合的许可机会,以支持 Eden 当前和未来的业务。

“By partnering with IDF we are helping to ensure that our partners receive the full benefits of access to Eden’s technologies which are supported by a comprehensive and secure global patent portfolio,” said Sean Smith, Eden’s CEO. “Eden will utilize IDF’s unique “invention engine” to enhance and extend our core intellectual property portfolio and expand our technology base in areas outside of our current focus. IDF’s global presence will also help us to increase our market presence outside Europe more efficiently and rapidly. IV is one of the world’s largest patent owners and is considered the global leader in monetizing intellectual property assets. As a technology development and licensing company, the benefits of such a partnership are clear.”