Helena, Tenkoz, RANMAN 400 SC 杀菌剂独家经销商

Helena Chemical Company 和 Tenkoz 是仅有的经销 RANMAN 400 SC 杀菌剂的公司,该杀菌剂是 Summit Agro 产品组合的一部分。

“We’ve stepped up production this season because downy mildew and late blight control along with resistance management are a big deal to our growers,” said Wade Stewart, Summit Agro vice president of sales and development. “Summit Agro is proud to be in a position to address their concerns with RANMAN, which provides highly effective control and prevention.”

RANMAN 是唯一一种具有 FRAC 组 21 名称并含有活性成分氰唑酰胺的杀菌剂,在疾病生命周期的所有阶段都有活性,可防止霜霉病、晚疫病以及由葫芦、马铃薯、芸苔属植物和生菜中的卵菌和腐霉菌引起的疾病、胡萝卜等作物。

“RANMAN is in a class of its own,” said Stewart. “Growers know they can count on this unique chemistry – available only through Summit Agro – for outstanding performance and to manage resistance with fewer pounds on the ground.”