Nufarm 重组北美制造业足迹

为了提高响应速度、灵活性和成本效益,Nufarm Limited 宣布重组其北美制造足迹。变化包括关闭加拿大卡尔加里的制造业务。


“The decision to close the Calgary manufacturing facility is part of the company’s commitment to improve the performance of its operations,” said Nufarm’s Group Executive Operations, Elbert Prado. “As with the manufacturing changes we are making in some of our other regions, this decision will allow us to increase flexibility, reduce complexity, and more efficiently utilize our facilities. “We have invested to improve capacity of the overall North American manufacturing base, with a new state of the art seed treatment operation and full retooling of the herbicide facility in Chicago. These new facilities will provide greater capacity and support to ensure that we can respond quickly to the needs of our Canadian customers. This proved a more efficient approach than expansion of the Calgary site.”

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