Pacific Agriscience 合并横跨两大洲的并购交易

(Left to right) Pacific Agriscience’s CS Liew meeting with CCAB Agro and InVivo in Paris, France

法国农民合作社 InVivo 收购了巴西通用作物化学品进口商 CCAB Agro 的多数股权。

InVivo, with 220 farmer cooperatives being the owners, is the largest agricultural cooperative in France with a sales turnover exceeding 6 billion euros. InVivo distributes about 40% of crop inputs such as pesticides and fertilizers sold in France, the EU’s biggest grain producer. InVivo will expand joint procurement of crop chemicals through Novafield, a European alliance of cooperatives. Through Life Scientific, their partially owned venture in Ireland, they develop, via reverse-engineering, and offer off-patent pesticide formulations that are as good as MNCs’ products.

CCAB Agro 由巴西的 20 家合作社所有。他们专注于注册非专利杀虫剂,进口这些杀虫剂并将其供应给他们的农场主。年销售额超过$1亿,其中包括各大公司的专有产品。 CCAB Agro 专注于棉花、大豆和玉米农业投入,但一旦他们在未来几个月获得更多产品注册,他们将很快扩展到其他主要作物。

早在 2016 年 5 月,Pacific Agriscience 很高兴通过将他们两人介绍给对方来促成这笔交易。

By making a visit to Brazil to gain a thorough understanding of the CCAB Agro business and operations, Pacific Agriscience’s CS Liew says it was able to detail and articulate to InVivo the strategic importance and fit of CCAB Agro into their global objectives and expansion plans. Likewise, visits made to both InVivo and Life Scientific back in late 2015 were extremely insightful in terms of having a good grasp of this company’s business operations and strategic directions.

“As part of the mutual introductions, we summarized the strategic fit of each other and presented this to the two parties. Both being agricultural cooperatives, they have not only a natural fit but both bring good value to each other’s business operations. Our conclusion was that this was a marriage made in heaven and one in which the Chinese marriage greeting: Wishing you ‘Hundred children, thousand grand children’ applies!” according to a Pacific Agriscience statement.
