Roland Buresh 博士荣获 2011 年 IFA Norman Borlaug 奖

根据一份新闻稿,2011 年 IFA 诺曼博洛格卓越作物营养研究奖的获得者是菲律宾国际水稻研究所 (IRRI) 的 Roland Buresh 博士。

Dr. Buresh is principal scientist at IRRI where he leads the institute’s work on site-specific nutrient management (SSNM). The award recognizes his work in transforming the scientific concept of SSNM to innovative knowledge transfer tools based on decision-support software, the Internet, mobile phones and field practices readily usable by rice growers. Such tools bring precision agriculture techniques to small-scale farmers in developing countries, according to IRRI.

在过去的 30 年里,Buresh 博士一直致力于营养和作物管理。他于 2000 年加入 IRRI,此后一直从事水稻方面的工作,例如集约化灌溉水稻的可持续管理、作物残茬管理和水稻-玉米种植系统管理。

Through his involvement with the Irrigated Rice Research Consortium (IRRC) – a partnership between IRRI, national research centers in ten Asian countries and the private sector, Dr. Buresh initiated the development of innovative knowledge transfer tools targeting specifically small-scale farmers in Asia and potentially in many more regions, according to IRRI.

Dr. Buresh’s most recent and recognized accomplishment is ‘Nutrient Manager’, an IT-based decision-support tool that provides extension workers, farmers and researchers field-specific nutrient management practices for rice. Nutrient Manager is expected to be adopted by many more countries. Local versions for Bangladesh, China, India, Vietnam, and West Africa are under development, according to IRRI.

Buresh 博士是第 20 位获奖者。据新闻稿称,他由菲律宾阿特拉斯肥料公司提名,并由独立评审团从发达国家和国际农业研发中心的 12 名高级候选人中选出。

Buresh 博士于 1978 年毕业于路易斯安那州立大学,获得海洋科学博士学位。他还获得了硕士学位。北达科他州立大学土壤科学专业。