
粮食及农业组织发布的预测显示,茶叶价格高于正常水平的预测将在 2012 年继续。

Demand for black tea continues to rise, outpacing supply since 2009. Black tea accounts for most of the world’s tea production, according to the FAO. Rural incomes and household food security improved with a 2.2% increase of export earnings in tea-producing countries in 2011.

可用的最新估计表明,随着中国、印度和其他新兴经济体收入水平的提高,2010 年世界茶叶消费量增加了 5.6%,达到 400 万吨。

China, the world’s largest tea consumer, saw consumption rise to 1.06 million tonnes in 2010, a 1.4% increase in total consumption from 2009. China remains the world’s largest tea producing country with an output of 1.4 million tonnes and a 33% share of the world’s total, according to the FAO.

2010 年全球茶叶产量增加 4.2%,达到 410 万吨。

粮农组织预测,全球红茶产量将以每年 1.9% 的速度增长,到 2021 年将达到 328 万吨。该组织估计,价格最终将稳定在每公斤 $2.75。
Green tea production is expected to outpace black tea’s growth rates, due to anticipated growth in China. Production forecasts indicate an annual growth rate of 7.2% and green tea will reach 2.6 million tonnes in 2021.

