
China’s government announced it is scaling back its pollution control campaign this fall and winter, in an effort to offset the negative impact of U.S. tariffs on the economy.

根据 化学链接, the Chinese Ministry of Ecology and Environment, with a number of other State Council branches, including the National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and some local provincial governments, jointly issued a notice on the work plan of air pollution control in the autumn and winter between 2018 and 2019 in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei area. According to the work plan, the Chinese government will ease up on the pollution control campaign and decrease pressure on local governments and industries to counteract the trade dispute’s strain on economic growth.

根据 南华早报 报道称,总体减排目标也已下调。在接下来的六个月里,中国北方的 28 个城市需要将 PM2.5(空气中对人体健康危害最大的微小颗粒)的水平比一年前降低约 3%。该报称,这低于最初计划中提议的 5% 削减量。


The plan released jointly by central government agencies and six provincial-level regions will turn implementation over to local authorities, who have been told “to avoid the ‘one-size-fits-all’ method when it comes to curtailing the output of polluting industries,” the official Xinhua news agency said.

Last week, the government reported that China’s growth of gross domestic product fell to 6.5% in the third quarter from a year earlier, down from second-quarter growth of 6.7% — the lowest quarterly growth in nearly a decade.