南部非洲在 2016 年面临大面积歉收

莱索托 Machache 的 Hantsi 村的 Mphatlalatsane 农业合作社今年有大量剩余的玉米投入品,因为许多当地农民认为天气太不稳定而不能冒险种植。图片来源:Eva-Lotta Jansson/IRIN

人道主义通讯社的一篇文章称,由于该地区降雨量创历史新低,南部非洲今年面临大面积农作物歉收的威胁 IRIN.



南部非洲正感受到去年开始的强烈厄尔尼诺现象的影响。根据饥荒预警系统网络,2016 年降雨量持续低于平均水平和高温可能会持续,而粮食危机将持续到 2017 年。

文章包括一个 分解 of the affected countries in Southern Africa, among them South Africa, the biggest victim of the drought. As the region’s main maize producer, last year output fell 30% from the bumper 2014 season and it may have to import around 6 million tonnes. Planting of the 2016 cereal crop began later than normal due to delayed rains. Small-scale farmers have been hammered by the drought, with emergencies declared in five out of nine provinces, as well as areas of two other provinces. There have been reports of farmers committing suicide.
