
来自全球 大流行 to a changing climate, today’s current events are shining a light on the fragile nature of our global food supply. Innovation in food and agriculture is critical to ensuring people around the globe have continuing access to safe and affordable nutrition — despite new and evolving threats to our global food security.

许多发展中国家的主要粮食作物面临的一个威胁是氰化物。这种神经毒素天然存在于木薯中,尤其是与低蛋白饮食结合使用时,会导致 Konzo,这是一种不可逆转且使人衰弱的神经系统疾病。

But modern plant breeding could offer hope for the future. Plant scientists at UC Berkeley are using innovative tools like gene editing to remove the cyanide from cassava – helping ensure this staple crop can remain a safe and widely accessible source of nutrition for the hundreds of millions of people who depend upon it in their daily diets. The 美国种子贸易协会 (阿斯塔)和 国际作物生命 (CLI), in collaboration with UC Berkeley, explore the issue in a new video, “Repairing the Root of the Problem.”

This is the fourth video in the ASTA-CLI series examining the potential of gene editing in solving some of today’s biggest threats to food and agriculture. Watch the other videos (链接在这里).