
巴西农药市场因其高销量(2005 年分销商层面为 $42 亿美元)、高销售利润率(世界最高之一)以及由于非常复杂的监管立法、高昂的成本和大量的文书工作。

Since 2002, when Decree No. 4072/2002 was set forth to establish Equivalency Registration, few products were actually registered. In spite of the fact that advances regarding generic product registration have provided a considerable reduction in costs, the long time taken to acquire market authorization discouraged several new players, especially because there is no realistic stated period for the concession of such license grants. Sensitive to some segments of society, mainly those connected to large farmers in close contact to the political class, the federal government published on Dec. 7, Presidential Decree No. 5981, which intends to speed up, simplify, and reduce the time for analysis and granting of registration licenses, notably for products defined as “me-too.”


  • 简化所需的测试
  • 建立提交测试的步骤,以防无法证明与参考产品的等效性 
  • 被取消的产品注册可作为等效注册的参考产品的可能性
  • 来自巴西国家卫生监督局 ANVISA 的通信,该机构负责监管巴西的健康,并将告知等效注册申请人哪些注册产品将作为参考产品。

使用这些新参数,可以估计执行必要测试时的时间减少。例如,先前立法要求的水解测试可能需要长达八个月的时间才能执行。对于被认为不稳定的分子,例如氟虫腈,有必要使用放射性标记的化合物 (C14) 进行测试,其成本可能高达 US $50,000。




  • 在某些情况下,提交功效测试不是强制性的
  • 在某些情况下,提交残留测试不是强制性的。

尽管有这种额外的灵活性,但新法令规定必须提交有关经过处理的作物的产品植物毒性的信息。这可能导致有必要进行功效测试以证明产品对农作物的无害性。另一个需要考虑的相关点是实验使用许可证(EUP)。自从它成为强制性的,申请的数量每年都在显着增加。进行实验室测试所需的 500 克进口样品的申请可能需要 12 个月以上的时间才能获得批准,这延迟了实验时间表和产品注册。

根据新法令,在某些特定情况下,此类 EUP 的授予可能是自动的。为了解决这个问题,未来将发布新的具体监管立法。不幸的是,这些新程序的实施可能需要几个月的时间。监管当局预计到 2007 年 4 月之前,有关 EUP 的程序不会发生变化,并且对公司的建议是,目前一切都应按照以前的立法进行。

Caution is advised to companies when determining budgets for regulatory affairs. Despite what has been released in press, costs shall not be reduced as drastically as indicated, because other expenses should be taken into account, such as state registrations, without which it is not permitted to transport and market pesticides in Brazil. Such is the case in the state of Paraná, which is responsible for almost 30% of the Brazilian agricultural yields and possesses a highly technological level of production. In order to register pesticides in this state, it is necessary to submit efficacy tests and residue studies reports.

这项新法令中提出的监管进展促进了更快进入农药市场的重要一步。监管机构宣布,他们的主要目标是将新产品的规定注册期限减少到 6 个月以下。