
尽管 AUDACE’s opposition since April 2002 to the antidumping duty on imports of glyphosate originating in the People’s Republic of China, Taiwan, and Malaysia, a community regulation No. 1683/2004 of Sept. 24, 2004 extended a definitive anti-dumping duty of 29.9% for five more years from Oct. 1, 20041.

欧洲指令 91 414/EEC 已经给通知者 孟山都, 切米诺娃,和 先正达 five years of protection, which ended on the July 1, 2007, on data generated for the purpose of including glyphosate into the community’s positive list of active substances.

基于草甘膦的产品的价格在该到期日准确地开始稳步持续上涨,今天达到 350%。

情况是这样的,现在将花费 欧洲农民额外投入 10 亿欧元来满足他们对草甘膦的需求。

早在 2002 年 4 月,AUDACE 在向欧盟委员会 (EC) 提交的针对反倾销措施的申诉中就详细描述了这种情况。

这就是孟山都如何以大量使用其转基因 (GM) 抗草甘膦作物造成的短缺为借口,设法提高其在欧洲和世界市场的价格,就像 2004 年在阿根廷取得的那样,并且因此会让我们相信它没有考虑到它自己在 2000 年做出的预测,该预测非常准确地预见到在六七年内其转基因作物将覆盖 8000 万公顷 (Ha)。

这个策略是可以预见的。然而,负责贸易问题的共同体当局认为考虑它是不明智的,甚至否认2 对社区农民造成的经济后果。

这就是 AUDACE 向 EC 提出申请的原因 a request for the immediate suspension of the antidumping measures introduced by Council Regulation 1683/2004 pursuant to article 14-4 of the basic regulation 384/96 which provides for the suspension for nine months where market conditions have changed. After an EU Council’s decision, the suspension period can be extended for another 12 months.

考虑到为支持该请求而产生的证据,AUDACE 最有可能在 2008 年 9 月结束前获得满足。
Admittedly, the revocation of the antidumping duty will not have for European farmers as radical an effect as its implementation had in consolidating Monsanto’s monopoly position.

However, it will at least allow for a hint of competition even if this will be greatly dampened by Chinese producers’ interest to sell their technical material following in the inflationary impulse given by Monsanto.

对于 AUDACE,是时候发布这个问题了 引起了国际市场的关注,因为 8000 万公顷的抗草甘膦转基因作物仅占全球可耕地面积的 5%。


1 有关草甘膦措施的历史,请参阅 Erigone: www.erigone.com/Antidumping/antidumping-glyphosate.htm
2  See point 5 (116) “Conclusion on Community interest” of COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 1683/2004 of Sept. 24 2004; Official Journal of the European Union L 303/1. AUDACE represents Europe’s plant health and veterinary medicine to stop distorting trade measures.