
欧洲食品监管机构 EFSA 将于下周与利益相关者会面,以收集投入,以调查接触农药对人类健康可能产生的影响。

The meeting, which will involve representatives from academia, regulatory bodies, NGOs, industry and other interested groups, will focus on issues surrounding pesticide epidemiology. “The discussions will feed into an EFSA scientific opinion that aims to address methodological limitations in epidemiological studies and recommend ways of improving the studies so that they can be integrated into regulatory pesticide risk assessment,” EFSA said in a statement.

近年来,大量流行病学研究调查了农药暴露与人类健康结果之间可能存在的关联,这些研究已在公开文献中公开。 2013 年,EFSA 发布了一份关于对 2006 年至 2012 年间发表的研究进行系统审查的报告,该报告显示接触农药与肝癌、乳腺癌、II 型糖尿病、儿童白血病和帕金森病等健康结果之间存在统计学上的显着关联。调查结果与法国国家健康与医学研究所 (INSERM) 的报告中包含的结果一致。

However, the EFSA report highlighted a number of methodological limitations in the epidemiological studies, including a large heterogeneity of data, a lack of direct exposure estimates, and use of generic pesticide definitions. “These make it difficult to draw firm conclusions about the associations for the majority of the outcomes studied,” EFSA said.

EFSA 农药部门负责人何塞·塔拉佐纳 (Jose Tarazona) 表示:“现有文献表明接触农药与人类健康结果之间可能存在联系。大多数协会涉及欧盟已经禁止的杀虫剂,但 EFSA 希望进一步探索这些信息的使用。



法国食品、环境和职业健康与安全机构 (ANSES) 将参加这次会议,会议将于 2 月 18 日在巴黎举行。