
欧盟指令 91 /414/EU(1991 年 7 月 15 日)旨在通过更好地了解农药中活性成分的特性以及对人类的风险评估,为欧洲植物保护产品的注册提供指导以及与使用杀虫剂有关的环境。

This directive included a review of all active ingredients present in the EU market, commencing in 1993 with the aim of completing by 2003.  Now, the end of the review is anticipated for December 31, 2009 and, in addition to the review of old actives, new actives are also being reviewed.


1993 年,欧盟市场上有 740 种活性成分。 2008年8月8日,其中394种有效成分不再允许列入农药(未列入附件I),113种批准用于农药(列入附件I),233种仍在审评中。

近年来,已准备制定新的欧盟法规以取代欧盟指令 91 /414/EU。欧盟委员会于 2006 年 7 月 16 日向欧洲理事会 (EC) 和欧洲议会 (EP) 提交了条例草案初稿。一读于 2008 年 9 月 22 日完成,欧盟委员会就共同立场发表声明欧共体。同一天,一个 拟议条例的更新草案 被传送。

拟议的新法规包括考虑到新的科学知识和受益于风险评估经验的要求。此外,与 91/414/EU 相比,新提议的法规包括(其决定基于风险评估和风险/收益分析)决策标准基于标签和对禁用活性成分(截止值)的危害标准)或将活性成分分类为替代候选物。

After the first reading, the cut-off criteria and the criteria for substitution are different depending on whether the proposal from the European Commission or European Parliament is taken into account. Nevertheless both agreed to exclude active ingredients classified as CMR 1&2  or Endocrine Disruptor or vPvB  or PBT  or POP. Debates are now taking place concerning the active ingredients M3, R3, neurotoxic or acutely toxic to bees (QH > 50).


英国当局 (PSD) 评估了纳入某些截止标准后对英国农业以及欧洲农业的影响。读一个 详细分析.

Currently, the proposal from the European Commission could induce a ban of around 15% of the active ingredients found today in the EU market and, if all proposals from European Parliament are included in the final revision, almost 85% of the molecules could disappear in the next 5 to 10 years. In addition to this global percentage of banned pesticides, some minor uses will also be “unresolved.” This would have a major impact on both farmers and the wider food chain.

In summary, banning pesticides without risk analysis will artificially decrease the options available to farmers in the EU.  These solutions will still be available to farmers from other countries, creating a discrepancy in worldwide competition. Also, outside of the EU, some other countries are closely following the EU rules; therefore, the banning of pesticides could occur in these countries. The impact would be huge, maybe bigger than in the EU as the agricultural practices are different, based on agriculture and food availability, independence, and the national economy.


The proposed new regulation will now undergo the second reading at EU level. The final text, if an agreement is reached between the European Commission, the EC and EP is expected in the first half of 2009. Therefore, a full risk assessment of the proposed new regulation should be undertaken before any effects appear “in the field” — by which time it could be too late.