
波多黎各农业部部长卡洛斯·弗洛雷斯·奥尔特加 (Carlos Flores Ortega) 在一篇文章中说,飓风玛丽亚在数小时内使波多黎各的农作物价值损失了约 80%,使其成为对该岛农业造成损失最惨重的风暴之一在里面 纽约时报.

根据该部门的初步数据,9 月 20 日星期三登陆的 4 级飓风造成农业产量损失 $7.8 亿 时代.文章称,1998 年的乔治飓风摧毁了约 65% 的农作物,而仅掠过该岛的飓风厄玛则摧毁了约 $4500 万的农业产量。

The article quoted farmer Jose A. Rivera, who said: “Sometimes when there are shortages, the price of plantain goes up from $1 to $1.25. This time, there won’t be any price increase; there won’t be any product … When I heard the meteorologist say that the two had turned into a three and then a four, I thought, ‘Agriculture in Puerto Rico is over.’ This really is a catastrophe.”
