南非 FCI 贸易峰会帮助巩固食品供应和价值链

The strength of the crop input industry and the stability of a region’s food supply go hand in hand. For a developing country like South Africa, the connection between the two is apparent.

这种关系处于南非德班农用化学品国际贸易峰会的最前沿,作物投入的买卖双方联合起来加强价值链。 5 月 6 日至 8 日,来自 20 多个国家/地区的 200 多名代表齐聚 Southern Sun Elangeni Hotel,以建立关系、开展业务交易并直接从源头了解有关到 2020 年将翻一番的市场的事实。

CropLife South Africa’s President, Kobus Steenekamp, delivered the statistics for sales and usage trends in South Africa. Stating that the pesticide industry in the nation was valued at $400 million in 2011, he alluded to the massive potential for growth in the region. The major contributors to the bottom line of the industry were also listed. Herbicides, the most profitable crop input, are led in value by glyphosate, metolachlor 960 and a metolachlor and triazine mix. Fungicides at the top of the market included mancozeb, epoxiconazole and azocystrobin. The major players in the insecticide market are fenamiphos, oxamyl 310 and clorpyrifos.

该国最有价值的农作物对于任何希望调整其产品组合的公司来说也非常重要。 Steenekamp 提供了 2011 年按作物和类别划分的价值统计数据,将夏粮列为作物投入行业最赚钱的行业,其次是落叶水果和蔬菜。

Steenekamp 还警告该行业在南非面临的挑战。引用疲软的货币(南非兰特 9:1 美元)以及欧洲新烟碱类禁令和区域草甘膦耐药性问题引起的潜在成长痛苦,与会者全面了解了进入市场时的预期情况。

Between sessions, the exhibition floor packed with industry professionals from around the world. Rjesh Agarwal, executive director of KRISHI RASAYAN EXPORTS said, “The clarity about the actual size of the South African market was important as there have been a lot of rumors. In addition, the information on the herbicide market was good.”

下次有机会参加 农用化学品国际 贸易峰会将于 8 月 5 日至 7 日在佛罗里达州迈阿密举行。美洲峰会过去吸引了来自巴西和墨西哥等世界上一些最赚钱市场的 600 多名代表,这将是另一个确定新市场、与来自美洲的行业领导者交流想法和最佳商业实践的重要机会。地球的各个角落。

详细了解即将举行的 FCI 贸易峰会 (链接在这里).

关于 FCI 贸易峰会:

FCI 贸易峰会为作物投入生产商和分销商组织商务会议。 Farm Chemicals International 认为,作物生产技术的普及对国家繁荣和区域粮食安全至关重要。贸易峰会的蓬勃发展在于它能够向国内分销商介绍多元化的作物投入制造商群体,从而为农民和他们所服务的社区提供高效、有效和负担得起的生产技术。


Farm Chemicals International creates real and virtual communities around crop input manufacturers, distributors, trading companies and registration consultants through its coverage and analysis of crop production news and trends, as well as coverage of trade policies, agronomic practices, crop reports, regulatory issues, company profiles and personality profiles of the world’s most influential agriculture entrepreneurs and advocates for modern agriculture.