年最受欢迎的 10 大故事

The editors at always get excited putting together our website’s list of the most-read stories of the year. To us, it reveals a lot about how our audience feels about the global crop protection market. What did you find interesting? Share-worthy? Shocking?

您喜欢有关并购的故事。大型并购后,排名前 10 位的作物保护公司会是什么样子?

你对中国的供应紧缩很感兴趣。随着供应限制和从 Big 6 到 Big 3 的整合的未知数占据主导地位,专利后玩家和零售商有哪些选择和机会? 2008年又来了吗?

You were curious about the crop protection market in India. Is “Make in India” poised to end the tide of booming Chinese exports? And how is AgroStar leading the way to simplify India’s distribution?

And you paid close attention to news about changes in the distribution channel. What’s the Farmers Business Network next move? And what factors — both legacy and new — are combining to set the stage for some dramatic alterations to how ag retailers operate their businesses?

从我们 2017 年在 上发布的 652 篇报道中,这里列出了前 10 篇报道。如果您第一次错过了,或者想再次阅读,请查看它们。