
The prolonged Doha round of global trade talks came to a screeching halt on the newest session’s ninth day, following a clash over agriculture between the US and emerging powers such as China, India, and Indonesia. The US and India failed to find a compromise on measures intended to help poor countries protect their farmers against import surges, reported a diplomat. In the seventh year of discussions, negotiators in the Doha trade round are frustrated. "We were so close to getting this done," U.S. Trade Representative Susan Schwab told reporters at 世贸组织 据路透社报道,总部设在日内瓦。



"I think it’s a strong negative and it really follows on the heels of a retreat from globalization and trade that were really the building blocks for the prosperity of the last several decades. It’s scary," said Michael Darda, chief economist at MKM合作伙伴 在康涅狄格州格林威治。

Due to long implementation periods for the measures under discussion – typically 5 years for rich countries and up to 14 for new developing members like China – the failure to reach an agreement will not have any immediate impact on trade.