Chemtura 退休专家加入 Drexel Chemical Co.

Chemtura/Uniroyal Chemical 的长期销售和技术专家 Manley Gillian 于 10 月加入 Drexel Chemical,担任烟草专家。

The 46-year veteran of the traditional chemical industry has focused on tobacco cultivation and chemical prescriptions since 1994. The Southern United States is a key producer of tobacco, and Drexel’s comprehensive portfolio of more than 500 products.

Drexel 生产杀虫剂、除草剂、杀菌剂和生长调节剂,以及工业熏蒸剂、微量营养素、佐剂和表面活性剂。

Manley 于 9 月从 Chemtura 退休。他是土生土长的田纳西州人,毕业于城堡高地军事学院、坎伯兰大学和田纳西马丁大学。