ARS-UC 协议寻求马铃薯木虱控制

WAPATO, Washington, US — The US Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS)与加州大学(UC)在 Riverside 旨在开发一种化学引诱剂来管理马铃薯木虱(公鸡杆菌)。当马铃薯木虱以马铃薯为食时,马铃薯木虱会传播细菌 青枯自由杆菌,使植物感染斑马片病。由于这种疾病会导致切好的马铃薯出现深色条纹,美国和墨西哥的马铃薯产业已经损失了数百万美元。新西兰马铃薯也遭受了这种疾病的侵袭。


The six-month cooperative agreement between UC and ARS scientists is intended to “isolate, identify, synthesize and test” the specific chemicals produced by females to attract mates, says ARS. The synthesis of these attractants raises the possibility for the development of a psyllid-specific monitoring tool. Attractant-laced traps to capture male psyllids could help growers determine when the insects are colonizing fields and better schedule insecticide spraying.