
美国作物保护市场继续以每年 2% 至 3% 的名义增长率增长,其中杀菌剂、植物健康和种子处理剂对增长做出了很大贡献。

Multi-nationals are “aggressively” looking for ways to bundle products and find new channels in the marketplace. However, with large companies beginning to focus on seeds and traits, generic companies are increasingly seeing growth opportunities arise.

Albaugh Inc. 总裁 Spencer Vance 在美国组织的 2012 年佐剂和惰性物质会议上表示,提交更多预混剂专利的举措是直接努力延长制剂的寿命及其在市场上的专有地位农业技术生产商和分销商委员会。


跨国公司在提交预混料专利并重视种子和性状的研发的同时,也加大了对 2,4-D 和麦草畏耐受性的关注。

“Major producers are slowly exiting the chemical industry and are leaving it to generic companies to pick it up,” said Dr. Phil Westra, Weed Scientist at Colorado State University. “Generics have a lot of opportunity because of the kickback from major manufacturers.”

This opportunity is a “huge responsibility” for the generic industry as companies now have to find solutions to glyphosate-resistant weeds, said Jake Brodsgaard, Herbicide Project Manager for Maketeshim Agan of North America.“We are now being looked at to find solutions.”

Globally, the agriculture industry is now experiencing “Roundup Hangover” in which farmers that have been “coating the world” with glyphosate are now feeling the effects, he said.

Brodsgaard 说,草甘膦抗性的解决方案包括引入新(和旧)产品和配方、合作伙伴关系、研究和教育。