
The WTO dispute panel’s ruling in the case was issued confidentially in Geneva on Oct. 15, according to reports. Brazil released a statement supporting the ruling, and the office of the U.S. Trade Representative confirmed it.

The U.S. National Cotton Council (NCC) expressed its disappointment with the ruling. "We reiterate our concerns expressed when reports regarding the interim report surfaced," the NCC said, and added that U.S. actions taken to comply with the first WTO panel ruling in 2005 have had a significant impact on the country’s producers, with U.S. cotton acreage declining 29% in 2007.

"It is incomprehensible that a WTO panel could make a finding of serious prejudice against the United States when the international cotton market is strong," it said. "World prices are up, and production outside of the United States is estimated to be a record high of 102 million bales. In the face of these facts, the U.S. cotton industry is left to puzzle the basis of such a decision."

美国官员表示,他们认为取消第 2 步付款(其中大部分支付给美国商人以降低美国棉花在世界市场上的成本)满足了原 WTO 专家组的裁决。然而,巴西和 C-4 国家贝宁、布基纳法索、乍得和马里继续谴责美国的棉花计划是这些西非国家贫困的主要原因。