JR Simplot 的第二代天然马铃薯获得 FDA 安全许可

JR Simplot公司’s second generation of Innate potatoes have been through the Food and Drug Administration’s food and feed safety assessment. The FDA concluded that these Russet Burbank Generation 2 potatoes are not materially different in composition, safety, and other relevant parameters, from any other potato or potato-derived food or feed currently on the market. Simplot will still need to complete its registration with the Environmental Protection Agency for these potatoes before introducing them for sale in the U.S. marketplace.

根据 Simplot 的说法,第二代 Innate 马铃薯具有与马铃薯种植者、加工商和消费者相关的四大优势:减少瘀伤和黑点;减少天冬酰胺;对晚疫病病原体的抗性;并增强冷藏能力。这些好处是通过改造野生和栽培马铃薯的基因实现的。

Simplot Plant Sciences 副总裁兼总经理 Haven Baker 说:“我们很高兴能在我们的先天技术平台上继续保持发展势头。 “在我们的前两代人中,我们通过利用马铃薯家族中最强大的特性解决了植物病害、健康和质量问题,现在我们准备应对全球马铃薯挑战。”

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