Nufarm 关闭新西兰工厂

Nufarm 计划在未来两年内重组其在澳大利亚和新西兰的业务。

In the company’s latest restructuring move, Nufarm Limited announced will close its Otahuhu, Aukland, New Zealand plant and lay off 59 employees. The shutdown is a result of a manufacturing review the company began 上个月.据一位消息人士透露,该工厂之前执行的业务将转移到澳大利亚维多利亚州的拉弗顿。 新闻稿.

据该公司称,这一变化每年将额外节省 $325 万,而出售该物业将获得 $930 万。其他削减成本的措施将包括取消服务和行政职位以及重组管理层。

Nufarm Managing Director Doug Rathbone said in a press release, “We will maintain a development laboratory in Auckland to support both local and global product innovation and we will retain our North Island warehouse facilities. In addition, we will expand warehouse and logistics support in the South Island to support our growing business in the south. These changes will result in a more efficient regional business that will continue to meet New Zealand-based customer requirements around reliability and flexibility of supply and a high quality product portfolio developed for local New Zealand conditions.”

这一变化是一系列设施关闭中的最新一次。纽发姆宣布于 行进 除了另外六个澳大利亚服务中心外,它在澳大利亚威尔士浦和利顿的两个站点也将被关闭。

公司 列出 新南威尔士州三个服务中心,昆士兰州一个,南澳大利亚州一个,维多利亚州和塔斯马尼亚州两个 网站.

纽发姆 于 1950 年代在澳大利亚成立,从除草剂销售扩展到制造、营销和销售各种作物保护产品。它的 全球存在 包括在 16 个国家/地区的制造业务、在超过 25 个国家/地区的营销业务以及在 100 多个国家/地区的销售业务。