Precision Application Asia 将于 11 月来到曼谷;公开征集演讲

新兴的精密技术——尤其是空中的无人驾驶飞机/无人机和地面的“观察和喷洒”装置——有可能 彻底改变应用程序并破坏整个生产到分销渠道 用于农作物投入品。亚洲的无人机应用尤其如此,亚洲拥有欢迎新技术的环境,并且社会需要摆脱其过时的背包喷洒系统。


Precision Application™ Asia — a new conference organized by Meister Media Worldwide’s PrecisionAg 全球AgriBusiness Global brands — will set out to answer these questions and more. The two-day event will be held Nov. 5-6, 2019, at the 曼谷苏拉翁塞万豪酒店 在泰国曼谷。

Meister Media Worldwide 的 David Frabotta 是 Precision Application Asia 的项目主席。

“Change is happening quickly in precision application, especially in Asia and Latin America,” says 大卫弗拉博塔, 2019 Precision Application Asia 项目主席和编辑市场发展编辑, PrecisionAg 全球全球农业企业。 “For months we’ve gotten feedback that there is a general lack of awareness across the crop input industry about the shape these application technologies are taking and how fast they are likely be adopted — but even more importantly, how they might affect the entire crop input industry. We feel the need is urgent to hold this conference as soon as possible, to help the agribusiness industry prepare for the likely change.”

Frabotta 表示,无论是在农用化学品、生物制品和植物健康的产品开发、配方和营销领域,还是在将这些产品带到现场的设备和技术。


应用技术更新。 On the day one (Nov. 5), conference attendees will learn from expert presenters about the new and emerging application technologies and innovations that are likeliest to be adopted in Asian region as well as the estimated rates — and timelines — for adoption. Technology updates and roundtable discussions also will be featured as part of the conference agenda.

监管展望.第二天(11 月 6 日)上午,与会者将了解最有可能影响亚洲精准施药变化速度的障碍和绿灯,包括允许使用的施药技术和农化产品标签的变化。

对作物投入的未来影响。 Finally, the conference will conclude with an in-depth discussion about how more-precise application could bring about any number of effects to the current crop input manufacturing and distribution system — including overall lower use rates, increased use of “old” chemistries, new AIs, and a reduction in the total hectares of GM crops planted.

Frabotta says industry experts interested in presenting at Precision Application Asia are welcome to submit their proposals through the event site’s “Call for Presentations” 页。

也请有兴趣的与会者 注册通知 有关 Precision Application Asia 的更多详细信息,将很快公布。