IFDC 启动非洲农业论坛

MUSCLE SHOALS, Alabama, US, and ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — 国际金融发展中心总部位于美国的专注于粮食安全、可持续发展和农业发展的国际组织推出了一个网站,以发布有关非洲农业面临的肥料和土壤肥力等问题的信息和交流意见。 AfricaFertilizer.org features interactive maps of nutrient depletion, use and production in Africa, as well as news, market information, and numerous publications available for download, according to an IFDC press release.

Stakeholders in the movement to make Africa self-sufficient in food production — including farm organizations, researchers, policymakers, extension specialists, the agro-input industry, the private sector, donors and funding agencies, and the media — can benefit from the forum.