Valagro 与先正达达成协议,为种子处理提供生物刺激素

Valagro 是生物刺激剂和特种营养素生产和营销的领导者,已与领先的农业公司先正达签署了一项协议,为种子处理提供生物刺激剂。

The global agreement combines the expertise of both companies in seed treatment, with Syngenta’s leadership in crop protection and Valagro’s biostimulant technology, to produce innovative products designed to improve crop establishment and absorption of nutrition especially under abiotic stress conditions, resulting in better performance.

根据这项协议,先正达将在 2018 年推出 EPIVIO Energy,最初专注于玉米和向日葵作物,以应对可能降低作物产量的非生物胁迫。 Valagro 和先正达将追求利用最好的科学技术满足农民需求的目标,为农民提供日益创新、有效和全面的解决方案,以确保农业生产力和可持续性。