Axter Agroscience 将在加拿大分发 Inocucor 的生物作物投入

Inocucor Technologies Inc. of Montreal signed an agreement with Axter Agroscience Inc., one of Canada’s leading providers and distributors of foliar feeding crop solutions, to distribute Inocucor’s biological crop input Synergro in Canada. Under the agreement, Axter will also have certain prime-mover rights to rapidly develop the market in Quebec and Ontario.

Synergro 是一种用于草莓、西红柿、生菜和西兰花等高价值农产品的活细胞制剂。这种最先进的生物产品于 2016 年 12 月获得加拿大食品检验局 (CFIA) 的批准,是加拿大首批注册的微生物产品之一。它也是 Pro-Cert 批准的输入,用于加拿大的有机种植。

Inocucor 使用获得专利的发酵工艺将多种细菌和酵母菌组合成强大的土壤和植物优化剂,对人类和环境都是安全的。

“Axter is happy to distribute this new microbial product that has already demonstrated its value in the American market, said Axter CEO Pierre Migner. “We believe the addition of Synergro to our product line will allow us to better serve organic and conventional vegetable and fruit producers by improving crop yields, shortening growing periods and creating healthier and more resilient soils.”

Axter Agroscience is a leader in the field of biostimulants. Its extensive research programs have given it the ability to evaluate and develop products that increase farmers’ profitability. Axter has been collaborating with Incocucor since 2013 on the development of its second-generation product, Synergro Free for use in corn, soybeans and wheat.

Synergro 将通过 Axter 在加拿大所有省份完善的分销网络销售。