Vilmorin 开发转基因玉米、小麦

CHAPPES, France — Adrian Huige, Chief Executive Officer of Europe’s second-largest seed company, 维莫林 & Cie.,表示该公司计划在六年内销售其第一批转基因(GM)种子,根据 彭博社报道. Vilmorin,目前从 孟山都公司. and other producers, is developing its own GM seeds, Huige said in an interview with Bloomberg from Paris. The company plans to introduce its GM corn in 2015 or 2016, followed by wheat between 2016 and 2018, said Huige. He sees biotech wheat as having potential to “revolutionize the market,” as only 30% of global wheat planting currently uses commercial seed.

Vilmorin accounts for 5% of the world seed market, says Huige, compared with 25% for Monsanto, 15% for 杜邦公司.’s 先锋良种国际, 和 9% 为 先正达公司.

辉格表示,目前全球小麦种植面积中只有 30% 使用商业种子,小麦市场价值估计为 $2 亿至 $3 亿。 Huige 说,转基因小麦将基于植物对氮的更有效利用和耐旱性。