为生物制品创建下一代消息传递的 4 种方法



We talked with countless sources for Meister Media Worldwide’s recent 生物作物保护与植物健康年度报告, 我们反复听到:尽管该行业在增加生物制品的使用方面取得了成功,但仍有许多人尚未收到消息。他们可能相对不了解生物制品,或者可能不了解可用的产品或它们的工作原理。一些人仍然对疗效和可负担性持怀疑态度。在围绕解决您眼前的问题而构建的系统中使用生物制品作为预防措施,要求许多人的生产思维方式发生重大转变。

当信息无法传达给受众时,更改信息或信息的传递方式通常是明智的。在这种情况下,最好建立在已有的坚实基础之上。作为这个项目的一部分,我联系了整个行业的联系人,了解如何 为生物制品创造下一代信息。 基本上,我询问了他们的意见,了解哪些信息可能最能引起种植者、农产品零售商、分销商、教育工作者和研究人员、政策制定者以及受益于生物解决方案使用的消费者的共鸣。行业应该如何向他们传达这一信息?

The responses I received were thoughtful and fascinating, and among them, four common threads emerged. Here’s a snapshot from the report’s introductory article “Building a New Message Around Biologicals”:

  1. 呼吁对更可持续的生产系统的渴望。 “The world is currently undergoing a profound and inevitable transformation toward more sustainable agriculture,” said Michael Pratt,  Commercial Director, Lallemand Plant Care. “The theory and practice of regenerative agriculture is getting traction. A critical factor in the success of regenerative agriculture for growers will be how, as an industry, we can provide demonstrable benefits over the short- and long-term.”
  2. 教育是每个人的责任。 “Marketplace education doesn’t happen overnight, but everyone in agriculture should feel a responsibility to help educate the supply chain and consumers on sustainable agriculture and the benefits of biologicals,” said Derrick Tice, National Marketing Manager, Innvictis BioScience. “Biological products offer an alternative that is here to stay and educating the public will be key to their success.”
  3. 展示真实世界的结果并设定明确的期望。 “Manufacturers have a responsibility to prove the efficacy and benefits of these products and be able to explain the fundamentals of how these products really work,” said Dale Hanke, U.S. Director of Marketing, Stoller USA. ”Education and proven results are key.  We have to prove, through multiple product trials, third-party in-field trials, and on-farm results, that there is a financial benefit for the grower in using these products over what they are currently using, along with other critical benefits like safety and sustainability.”
  4. 清楚地沟通并向每个人学习。 “With the notion that the best communication is always rooted in frequent and radical transparency, the stakeholders must work collectively to share publicly the successes and failures to hone the best recommendations and benefits of these products,” said Patrick Clark, Technical Marketing Manager, BioSafe Systems.

在过去的 10 年里,现实世界的利益使生物制品行业取得了长足的进步。实施这些想法将大大有助于在未来十年实现类似的增长。阅读全文 生物作物保护与植物健康年度报告, 点击这里。