Regulatory Harmony Tops Most Pressing Issues for Biostimulants Market

What are the most pressing issues in the world of biostimulants? What facets of the biologically derived additives might surprise ag retailers? Eight officials representing biostimulant suppliers offered CropLife® magazine the following responses to these questions:

Most Pressing Issue

John Fisher, Director of Product Innovation and Market Development, BioLiNE Corp. — “(It) continues to be the ambiguity around a legislative definition of biostimulants and uncertainty regarding the regulatory framework that they will fall under at the federal and state levels. Tremendous strides were taken in 2019 with input from industry, culminating in a report to the President of the United States and the U.S. Congress on Plant Biostimulants submitted by USDA in consultation with the EPA on Dec. 29. As a member of the U.S. Biostimulant Coalition (USBC), we were involved, along with representatives from a number of other companies, in providing recommendations.”


Tommy Roach, Vice President of Specialty Products and Technical Services, Nachurs — “Right now (it) revolves around labeling/regulations and consistent product performance. Labeling and regulations vary by state and are now trying to be placed under EPA control, which is not where these products belong, as they are not pesticides. Consistent product performance continues to be a struggle in commodity crops like corn and wheat, but progress is being made in this area and especially in specialty crops (fruit, vegetable, etc.)”

Jarrett Chambers, Chief Commercial Officer, Concentric — “There are so many options in the space that it is hard to differentiate between them, and a lack of regulatory harmony at a state and federal level adds to the confusion. Growers must know the right questions to ask: ‘What exactly is this product comprised of? What does it do in the plant? Does the company who manufactured it have the analytical capability, knowledge, and commitment to answer these questions?’”

Johnny McRight, Founder/Owner, DeltAg Formulations — “It is difficult to narrow this down to one issue as being the most pressing. In some parts of the world, the No. 1 issue is efficacy. Does the product increase yield or improve plant health? In other countries the main issue, I believe, is that there are so many new companies that have entered this segment of the ag industry that it is becoming more and more difficult to create separation from the pack. In the U.S. we are still on hold and waiting to see where these products will fit in — fertilizers, USDA, or EPA. And when will this determination be made?”

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John Wolf, Senior Director of Innovation, Agricen — “An important issue for the biostimulant industry is centered on the science. As an industry, we need to continue to develop and mature the science around this segment to allow us to deliver more prescriptive solutions to growers. For biostimulants to deliver the full potential of the technology to growers, the industry will have to become much more targeted in regard to use patterns and practices.”

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