Bill Stoneman Takes on Consulting Role for JET Harvest Solutions

Bill Stoneman has joined JET Harvest Solutions as consultant for its USA Technical, Regulatory and Marketing efforts.

“I am excited about my new role with JET Harvest Solutions,” said Stoneman. “I have been working with JET Harvest and their product lines as a materials supply representative, advisor and regulatory consultant for several years and have watched the business grow. Now I have a more direct role in the growth of the business overall.”


Stoneman  will continue to work in the regulatory work of the company and will have an expanded role in the companies development and product marketing. He will also support technical services and sales in the Upper Midwest.

“Over the past several years I have served many roles in the biocontrol industry, I look forward to a closer relationship with the users of JET Harvest’s proprietary products,” said Stoneman.

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