Biofuel Effect On Specialty Chemicals

According to the article, the processes that transform biomass into ethanol or biodiesel can produce byproducts that are currently created by using petroleum. This includes specialty chemicals used in textiles, auto parts, perfumes, cosmetics, and other products.

The article notes the following chemicals as potentially being created by different biofuel production techniques.

Chemical Biofuel Source Derivatives
Glycerin Biodiesel Propylene glycol, epichlorohydrin, succinic acid, succinic salts, omega-3-fatty acids
Lactic acid Cellulose-to-ethanol Polylactic acid, ethyl lactate
Methacrylate monomers Cellulose-to-ethanol Acrylic polymers
Levulinic acid Cellulose-to-ethanol Methyl tetrahydrofuran
1,3-Propanediol Cellulose-to-ethanol Polyesters
Succinic acid Cellulose-to-ethanol 1,4-Butanediol, gamma-butyrolactone, N-Methylpyrrolidone
Acetic acid Corn-starch to ethanol Vinyl acetate monomer, esters for inks, paints and coatings
1,3-Butanediol Corn-starch to ethanol Gamma-butyrolactone
Citric acid Corn-starch to ethanol Food ingredients, water-softening chemicals

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