Corteva Details Enlist E3, Qrome Corn Launches

Corteva Agriscience, Agriculture Division of DowDuPont, today announced plans for commercial launches of Enlist E3 soybeans in Brazil, Canada and the United States, beginning in 2019.

The company also announced plans to expand the launch of Qrome corn products across the U.S. Corn Belt.

“I am excited to announce one of the largest soybean technology system launches ever,” said Corteva Agriscience Chief Executive Officer, James C. Collins, Jr. “Enlist E3™ soybeans incorporate advanced herbicide tolerance through three modes of action and enable use of our proprietary Enlist One™ and Enlist Duo® herbicides to provide more complete solutions to farmers.”


“We are also announcing expanded availability of Qrome products across a wider geography, and to more customers,” said Collins. “Qrome hybrids have earned the trust of American producers for consistent performance and have produced high yields by combining top-tier genetics, strong defensive traits and advanced seed treatments.”

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