Industry Insights: How Has the Ukraine War Impacted EU Agriculture?


Long ago we learned not to ask: “What else can go wrong?” The reason: You’re bound to find out the answer to that question in the worst way possible. Growers have been dealing with bad weather since the inception of agriculture. In the past few years, unexpected or extreme weather has certainly hampered growers. In addition, we’ve seen the complications presented by Covid-19 and more recently Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

We didn’t ask David du Boet, Associate Director, Dextra International, what else could cause go wrong to complicate the lives of those in the ag industry, but we did get his perspective on how that ongoing conflict in Eastern Europe has affected this community.

Dextra is a Barcelona, Spain-based consultancy and representation firm that provides solutions to organizations facing the challenges of international growth. Du Boet shared some thoughts on how the conflict between Russia and the Ukraine has influenced the agricultural community in Europe.