Nufarm’s Kyleo Formulation Tops Straight Glyphosate

Nufarm’s Kyleo, a state of the art optimized formulation containing glyphosate and 2,4-D, has been tested against a number of challenging weeds in stubbles such as thistles, bindweed and crane’s-bill, and has been proven to give higher and more reliable weed control than straight glyphosate.

“We are investing in glyphosate through the development of innovative formulations with additional actives to extend its weed spectrum. For example Kyleo offers growers many benefits over and above straight glyphosate. Growers using Kyleo for weed control in stubbles find that it controls a wide range of grass and broad-leaved including weeds not well controlled by normal glyphosate products such as annual nettle. It also provides faster kill of weeds. Its major uses are for weed control in stubbles, stale seedbeds and grassland destruction,” says Jon Staton, Marketing Manager for UK and Ireland for Nufarm.

Staton explains that the Kyleo’s unique formulation has a lipophilic action maximizing uptake of both active ingredients and ensuring maximum activity and rainfastness within one hour.

New trials data from Europe proves the versatility, reliability and effectiveness of Kyleo on number of challenging broad-leaved weeds found in stubbles. For example thistles (Cirsium arvense); in 18 trials across Europe, 1800 gm ai/ha of glyphosate gave an average 95.65% control of thistles compared with Kyleo at 5l/ha delivering 1200 gm a.i/ha of glyphosate and 2,4-D which gave 98.25% control. In this series of trials the worst result for glyphosate was 46.5% and the worst for Kyleo was 65%. For field bindweed (Convulvulus arvensis) it was a similar but more pronounced story; with 5l/ha of Kyleo averaging at 98.5% control and glyphosate averaging at 88.13% control of field bindweed. In the worst trial out of this series of 12 trials, glyphosate straight gave just 30% control whilst the worst that Kyleo gave was 90% – 3 times that of glyphosate alone. For crane’s-bill (Geranium species) 5 l/ha of Kyleo averaged at 97.88% and glyphosate at 96.5% but the worst result from these 10 trials glyphosate gave 81.5% compared with Kyleo at 94%. This clearly shows that Kyleo has a much better, more consistent and reliable effect on these difficult weeds that often infest stubbles.

The last weed featured in this series of trials is not even on the Kyleo label, but nevertheless it outperforms glyphosate significantly. The average control level for Kyleo on mare’s-tail (Equisetum arvense) was 90.16% and for glyphosate just 24.75% on average. In the worst trial glyphosate gave a miserable 5% control of marestail.

Marestail pre-treatment

14 days after treatment with 5l/ha of Kyleo

The advanced formulation of Kyleo also delivers 2,4-D which adds to this level of weed control but it makes a more complete product overall, getting the glyphosate working better gram for gram.