First US Biopesticide Registrations Near

The Trichoderma group of products includes four active ingredients (a.i.s), of which only three are registered now. BioWorks’ T-22 (T harzianum strain KRL-AG2 ATCC 20847) is approved for use on food and non-food crops for the control of a range of seed- and soil-borne diseases; Binab’s T-75 (T polysporum strain ATCC 20475) and T-76 (T viride strain ATCC 20476) are registered for use on ornamentals and trees. Makhteshim-Agan Industries (MAI) cancelled the registration of T-39 (T harzianum strain T-39) in 2005. There is a tolerance exemption for T-39 on all food crops, this will likely be revoked by EPA.

Linalool-based products are used mainly in residential treatments, both on pets and as outdoor mosquito repellents, and the a.i. is registered by Wellmark International. There are 16 registrations for products based on linalool, including 12 in combination with conventional pesticides.


The public comment period for these products will last until June 11.

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