Dimilin 2L de Chemtura aprobado para barrenadores menores del tallo de maíz

Chemtura Crop Protection has announced that Dimilin 2L is now approved in the US for control of the lesser cornstalk borer (LCB) in peanuts, reports the Southeast Farm Press. Dimilin 2L is an economical insect growth regulator that provides excellent early control and application convenience, says the company. Peanut growers have the option of tank-mixing their insecticide with fungicide sprays for maximum convenience and flexibility.

Además del nuevo uso para el barrenador del tallo del maíz, Dimilin 2L también controla orugas, gusanos soldados y saltamontes inmaduros. Dimilin 2L tiene un bajo impacto en los beneficiosos y encaja perfectamente con los programas de manejo integrado de plagas (MIP).