Aprenda las costumbres

Those of you who receive our weekly e-mail newsletter,  FCI eNews, have read about some of the experiences that Associate Publisher Eric Davis and I had at the enormous CAC exhibition in Shanghai.

El CAC, organizado por CCPIT, fue más grande que nunca este año, atrayendo a miles de asistentes y cientos de expositores de todo el mundo. Contó con una valiosa serie de seminarios patrocinados por Red Sun y un extraordinario piso de exhibición donde incluso el diseño y la sofisticación de los stands fue mejor que nunca.

No todo fue color de rosa para nosotros en China, sin embargo. Cuando llegamos, nos sorprendió descubrir que los materiales que habíamos enviado por correo a nuestro hotel nunca habían llegado. Estos incluyeron copias de la revista, folletos promocionales para nuestro próximo Cumbre de comercio de la FCI in Toronto (if this is the first you’re hearing of it, stop reading this column right now and go take a look, it will be well worth it), and, worst of all, the signs and graphics for our booth at CAC. With just two days to go before the show opened, we found ourselves empty handed.

Seguimos el rastro de envío hasta que supimos que nuestros paquetes estaban atascados en la aduana. Incluso con la ayuda del personal del hotel y del CCPIT, no pudimos liberarlos. Esta fue una muy mala noticia: sabíamos que nos encontraríamos con nuevos contactos en CAC, y no da muy buena impresión ser una empresa de medios sentada en una cabina vacía.

Afortunadamente, creamos rápidamente un Plan B. Sun Heying of CCPIT was extremely helpful, offering to print enlarged versions of some of our materials for the side panels of our booth. For the backdrop — and, as the CAC provides its exhibitors with nice, large booths, the backdrop was about as big as a queen-size bedsheet — we had to see what we could do on our own.

The morning we were supposed to be setting up our booth instead was spent in my hotel room, trying to create a huge image that we had no idea how were going to print. It took a long time, and if I didn’t respect our graphic artist Maggie Puskas enough before, I certainly do now; while I’m not a stranger to PhotoShop, there’s no way I could do this sort of thing full-time, nor turn out the quality that she does.

After doing our best to create the file, the next step was finding a printer. The concierge at our hotel stepped in here, and walked us a few blocks away to a small printing company. Thankfully, our associate in Shanghai, Rose Shen, helped negotiate a fair price for the job — more than fair, actually; the price was about a third of what we paid for the same job in the US. Would the quality be the same? No way to know until we saw the final product.

A la mañana siguiente, llegó nuestro telón de fondo, y era hermoso, sin problemas con la impresión en absoluto. Obviamente, el diseño no era tan bonito como el creado por nuestro artista en casa, pero en caso de apuro, estábamos contentos con él.

And in the long run, we’re better for it. Aside from the higher printing cost in the US, there was the hundreds of dollars we paid to ship it to China. Now, since we trust that the work will be done well, we will save a lot of money by simply bringing our artwork on a CD, and printing it in China.

Esta experiencia se hace eco a lot of what we’ve heard about business in China. For foreign companies, there are always going to be unknowns, always a certain amount of risk. But by finding help in the form of partners you can trust, the rewards can be great. And in today’s competitive business climate, finding a way to reap those rewards is a must — like our situation, there often is no other choice. But once you find a way to make those connections work to your benefit, you’ll wonder why you hadn’t done it before …