CropLife Asia se compromete a empoderar a los agricultores de Tailandia

Following today’s press conference conducted by the Thailand Department of Agriculture indicating next steps with regards to its review of three crop protection products, CropLife Asia issued the following statement from Executive Director Dr. Siang Hee Tan:

“The challenges facing Thailand Farmers are not simple ones. With a growing population in the region and globally, they are increasingly looked to as part of the solution in producing more food with fewer natural resources and less impact on the world around us. Factor in the need to combat pests, disease and weeds, and the task is that much more daunting.

“CropLife Asia is committed to enabling and empowering the farmers of Thailand and the region to meet these challenges. Ensuring their access to safe and effective crop protection technology is a critical component in this equation, as is the responsible use of these game-changing innovations.

“We remain steadfast in this commitment and look forward to continuing our partnership with the Government of Thailand as well as other food sector stakeholders on this crucially important front.

“The 13 million smallholder farmers of Thailand are depending on us to ensure their continued access to the technological tools in the toolbox they depend on – as well as the proper training in their responsible use. We owe it to them to get this right.”