Pesticida Rynaxypyr falsificado incautado en China

En un importante paso adelante para proteger DuPont derechos de propiedad intelectual (PI) en China, la Oficina de Seguridad Pública en la ciudad de Nantong, China, allanó con éxito una planta subterránea, que había producido $5 millones de clorantraniliprol ilegal. Clorantraniliprol es el ingrediente activo innovador y patentado de DuPont Rynaxypyr. Este es el mayor caso de falsificación de productos químicos agrícolas en términos de valor descubierto en China.

“DuPont is grateful to the Nantong police for acting so quickly to stop the criminal activity,” said Tom McHale, global IP protection manager, DuPont Crop Protection (DPC), at a press conference attended by 20 national and local media. “Successful action to combat counterfeiting efforts requires good cooperation between governmental regulators, law enforcement agencies and legal manufacturers, and users on intelligence gathering, product testing and case reporting.

“DuPont will cooperate fully with enforcement authorities to stop illegal activities with pesticides, and to protect the rights of our business partners, Chinese farmers and end consumers,” McHale said.

Wang Hua, deputy director of the Nantong Public Security Bureau, said the case highlighted the Chinese government’s commitment to protecting IP. He said the local prosecutor had filed a criminal charge against three owners of the plant, and the trial is expected to begin soon.