ECPA molesta por la decisión de la UE

El Asociación europea de protección de cultivos (ECPA) expresó su frustración por la reciente UE decisión sobre productos fitosanitarios, específicamente en lo que respecta a la introducción de nuevos criterios de rechazo basados en el peligro para los ingredientes activos que eliminarán del mercado los productos seguros que se han utilizado de forma segura durante años.

En un comunicado de prensa, el director general de ECPA, Friedhelm Schmider, dijo que el acuerdo tendrá un impacto negativo importante en la producción de muchos cultivos en Europa.

"Just because a product has hazardous properties does not mean it is dangerous. Proper risk evaluations of products are required to determine this, taking the dose and actual use into consideration – just as coffee and alcohol are hazardous at high doses, normal use poses no risk to health. At a time when the global population is worried about high food prices, the current proposal will make it more difficult for European farmers to continue producing high quality food at affordable prices," he said.

"European consumers say that they want more affordable, fresh fruit and vegetables that are produced locally. The result of the current decision will mean more expensive and more imported food," he continued.

La ECPA no está satisfecha de que los criterios de corte, que son el elemento principal de discusión y controversia en el Comisión Europea (EC) proposal, were not included in the EC’s own official impact assessment for this proposal, and ECPA has requested that their full impact be independently evaluated.

Dr. Schmider added, "We understand that the Commission does not agree with the ECPA evaluation of the situation and that it believes that adequate solutions will be at hand. However, this is in contradiction to the evaluations that have been recently carried out by independent institutes and government authorities."